Monday, June 23, 2014

Pet Safety

As Southern California residents, we are tuned to the various issues of our area: traffic, good weather, a championship hockey team, and more traffic. However, we sometimes forget to plan for one of the most important issues for residents: earthquakes. Consequently, we forget to make our earthquake kits until we actually experience an earthquake. So given the warmth of summer and your impending vacation, invest a bit of time and make an earthquake kit for yourself and each of your pets. Here is a suggested list for your pet emergency kit.

3-7 days' worth of food, either dry or canned
Disposable trash bags
Liquid dish soap and disinfectant
First aid kit
Pet feeding dishes
Extra collar or harness as well as an extra leash
Photocopies or scanned copies of medical records and a waterproof container with a two-week supply of any medicine your pet requires 
Bottled water, at least 7 days' worth for each person and pet. Recommended amount is 1-2 gallons a day.
A traveling bag, crate or sturdy carrier, ideally one for each pet
Flashlight and extra batteries
Recent photos of your pets (in case you are separated and need to make "Lost" posters)

Especially for dogs: Extra leash, toys and chew toys, a week's worth of cage liner.

Important Considerations: 
A camping water filter may be useful in the event of a water shortage.

Food and medications need to be rotated out of your emergency kit once every 2-3 months, otherwise they lose their usefulness or potency. 

A plastic tub for storing items is useful and should be stored in a location easily accessible, such as a backyard shed. Zip tie the tub to prevent animals from opening it.

A microchipped pet has a higher chance of retrieval in the event your pet gets lost in the earthquake.

A smaller earthquake survival kit for your auto is useful. Use an old backpack for storage of your items. 

We all love our golden retrievers so please take the time to prepare ahead of time. For more information, please check out the following websites for useful pertinent information for disaster preparedness.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Vanna's Recovery is continuing...

Vanna is making a speedy recovery in the few weeks we have had her.   She is experiencing a moderate infection but is being treated with antibiotics and should be back to full health in a few more days. 

The tick problem has been eliminated and we've adjusted her diet so Vanna is eating enormous meals now. She has already put on 5lb, so we hope that she will reach her ideal weight soon. 

This little girl's golden personality is starting to show itself in her foster home - she loves to eat, play and learn ! We have also discovered that Vanna is a quick learner as she already uses the doggie door at her foster home and is now learning some other basics, like sit and come.

You can read about her rescue here. And if you would like to contribute to her recovery, please donate to our Shamrock Circle Fund in her name. 

More updates to follow in the coming weeks...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

New Community Page on Facebook

Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles Rescue has a NEW Community Page on Facebook. 

Here you be able to join the ever-expanding community of GRCGLAR, check in with our dog placements, post pictures of your own dogs, and talk all things golden retriever. We'll be keeping our communities aware of events we will be holding and attending, as well as keeping you up-to-date on all our wonderful goldens and the new lives they lead. 

Join the conversation and "like us" at our GRCGLA Rescue Community Page

Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles Rescue has a Group Page too!

If you want to join our official Facebook group and have access to additional information about our rescue, get exclusive content, you can join us at our GRCGLA Rescue Group Page.

Like us or Join us! Either way, the goldens will love you for it.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Vanna Rescued

June marks the beginning of summer, graduations and weddings, and well-planned vacations. The start of this month got off to a wonderful start as GRCGLAR rescued a beautiful golden retriever in Devore by the name of Vanna.

Vanna, 4-5 year old female
enjoying the feel of fresh grass

Vanna, a 4-5 year old female, was found stray in San Bernardino County and kept at the Devore Shelter for the past week. Most dogs are given a specific time for availability until they are euthanized and luckily we rescued her with 2 hours to spare. The pictures reflect an appreciative Vanna at a nearby park.

According to the shelter, Vanna was thrown from an unidentified auto and appears to have given birth to a litter of puppies recently. GRCGLAR currently has her under veterinarian care to address some her medical conditions but she is expected to make a full recovery in the coming weeks. Your donations help in the recovery of all our rescued golden retrievers.

We do have a foster home established for her as well but GRCGLAR is always looking for qualified volunteers to be foster homes for our beautiful goldens. If you have time, we would love to speak to you about the rewarding aspects of fostering a golden.

A special thanks goes out to Enid Richey and Patty Johnson of our Inland Empire bureau for their hard work in rescuing Vanna, our latest addition to our "rescued" family.

The Shamrock Circle Fund was established by a generous donor for those dogs who have special needs, such as Vanna. If you would like to contribute to this Shamrock Circle effort, please visit our special page at our GRCGLAR Shamrock Circle Fund page.

For more information on our rescue, please visit our website at